Meeting Minutes > July 13, 2022

Central Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes

Robert, Paul, Kristin, Ellen, Heather, Steve, Joyce, Tyler, Gary, John, Walt

  1. Financials
    1. CNA-  $483.85
    2. Robert- still in conversation on what to do with money raised through CNF for house fire recipient. Robert as treasurer is the signatory at the bank.
    3. What could CNF/CNA spend money on? How do we fundraise and gather financial interest from the neighborhood? Money could fund signs like Banta- indicating when there is a meeting. Paul suggested a year end newsletter to all those in the neighborhood. Other ideas were money used for the Block Party and we could also ask for donations at events like that.
    4. Ellen asked how to spend the money in the CNA fund. Robert replied that people can be reimbursed with a receipt and that a board member should ask for a vote from the board before spending
    5. Robert made a motion to give $200 in discretionary spending to the CNA president with a second from Steve. Passed unanimously. 
    6. Steve asked if a membership fee may help get funding. Robert feels a fee would not make the association as accessible and keep people away. The conversation went back to other ways to bring in money- regular campaigns asking for any denomination of money. Collections at events or meetings. Paul stated that it would be best if people knew why they should give money to CNA- the group needs to tell a story that engages the neighbors.
    7. Fundraising ideas that came up included CN stickers, hosting a sign in your yard, and t shirts
    8. Heather suggested a survey to the Facebook page on what people would like to see money spent on or how they would best want to contribute financially
    9. The group feels CNA and CNF should meet to determine spending and fundraising
  2. Elections
    1. Online e-ballots are open until July 20. There are in person/paper ballots at this meeting. One person voting in person.
  3. Police Departments National Night Out
    1. Press Release from Maggie Clifton
    2. Date: August 2 at 6pm. 
    3. Police Department will attend neighborhood socials on August 2 to connect with community
    4. Kristen recommends Trinity Lutheran as they have hosted in the past. Ellen and Kristen are emailing the pastor to confirm
    5. Activities: Bags, food, ice cream, music
  4. Block Party
    1. Activities: Soccer, sack race
    2. Food – Sign Up Sheet, bring appetizer, side dish, dessert 
    3. Hang out Zone
    4. Music
    5. Committee- Jillian, Heather, Paul, Lesley (fingers crossed!)
  5. Garage Sale Feedback
    1. Participants would like to have the date as a Friday and Saturday. Also interested in more advertising. Ellen would like a registration fee next year to purchase garage sale signs and bump advertising
  6.  Robert made a motion for CNF to replenish funds that are used by the CNA – activities that generate and proliferate the engagement of the neighborhood as a whole. Second from Gary. Passes $500 to CNA (reclamation funds).
  7. Code enforcement
    1.  Gary- properties around neighborhood that could use code enforcement (Franklin) specifically in these cases a storage unit.
    2.  How do we find the QRcodes? Can we give them to our neighbors? Help the hood find it in the neighborhood website. Highlight things to keep in mind. Bring awareness to the group
    3.  Building presence vs code enforcement of CNA board
    4. John- bring in code enforcement speaker to a meeting
    5. What are the criteria? What are the next steps after you call code enforcement? How can CNA help? When does CNA get involved.
  8. Future meeting ideas
    1. Historic homes tour/walking tour 
    2. Bring a friend!
    3. Potluck
    4. Engaging spaces like homes, churches, etc. Is the space Able to host an efficient meeting. QR code for location.
    5. Welcome wagon to neighborhood?
    6. Home base for meetings? Trinity Lutheran e
    7. Porch meetings
    8. Potential speakers? What do people want to hear and learn?
  9. Open Discussion
    1. Steven and Ellen presented the draft wording for the historic signs for the 2022 neighborhood grant. Kevin P from the PoCo Museum verified the facts.